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PCR COVID-19 Fit-To-Fly Tests

You can either collect this Covid-19 PCR test kit at our pharmacy, or receive it in the post.

Simply perform the swab test and either drop it to us in-store by 1pm, to ensure it's collected from us by the courier on time, or post it into the lab- using the included returns label.

Once the test has been received by the lab, you will receive your results and doctor-signed fit to fly certificate the next day, by 11:59pm.

This Covid-19 PCR test is accepted by all major airlines and suitable for all 72 and 96 hour time windows and flights.

You can use this online planner to ensure you meet the correct timeframes.


You will only receive a fit to fly certificate if you receive a negative result.

To avoid potential delays in the Royal Mail network, drop your test off to a nationwide network of hubs, including our pharmacy. Ask us for a drop-off point near you.

For turn-around times and service status see here.

Please note that we are a partner with Medicspot, who are providing these tests to us, the tests are processed in their partner labs.

For more information and to buy a test, ring 0121 554 8125 or email

Disclaimer: Co-Chem Pharmacy will not be held responsible to any losses incurred due to delays of Medicspot's Covid-19 testing service. Please see for more information.
